Saturday, August 24, 2013

Merging GPX files

     After running the Tahoe Rim Trail 100 I wanted to upload my run to Strava so I could look at all the data from the run. I knew the run was going to take me longer to finish than my Garmin 310xt's battery would last so at the 50 mile mark I swapped out watches. I stopped my 310 and used my wife's 910 for the last 50 miles of the run and it worked out real well. This left me with two fifty mile runs and not one single 100 mile run to upload, not really a big deal but I wanted to upload it as a single run on I found quite a few different applications online but none of them seemed to work properly and then I came across the following site With this site you can merge up to 5 gpx files into one gpx file and its super easy to use.  
Step 1
Upload the new activities from your Garmin device onto your Garmin connect account
Step 2
Export your gpx files from Garmin connect to your desktop, make sure to label them in the order you want them merged so you know which is which

Step 3 
Upload your GPX files onto
there are five "choose file" buttons where you will select the .gpx files you want merged. Starting from the top you would upload the 1st part of your run,ride, walk etc then the 2nd part on the next button and so on

Step 4
Click the "merge GPX files" button

Step 5
The new GPX file will now be downloaded to your desktop and you can use it on Strava or whatever site you use to track your runs.